Symposium AI for Nowcasting

Knowing what the weather will do in the coming hours is crucial for flash flood and urban pluvial flood forecasting, as well as for sectors like the energy market. This short timeframe is currently still hard to capture with traditional numerical weather prediction models. This is where the observation-based forecasting technique nowcasting can fill a gap. Nowcasting is gaining popularity globally and due to its data-driven nature, it lends itself well to machine-learning approaches.

Since the release of deep-learning nowcasting approaches by some of the Big Tech companies, we have seen a rapid increase in applications of and research to AI for nowcasting. We see this moment as a great opportunity to bring together research groups, companies and stakeholders from the Netherlands and neighboring countries to get an update on ongoing work, how these approaches can and will be used and, particularly, where we collaboratively can add value to the field.

In this Symposium AI for Nowcasting which we organise together with Deltares, we have invited several academic researchers and consultants to present on the past, state-of-the-art and future of nowcasting, to discuss with us the direction this field is moving to, and what it means for the future of flood modelling and management. Although the focus will lean towards nowcasting for rainfall and subsequent flood forecasting, we also welcome contributions from other fields that make use of nowcasting. We are looking forward to a fruitful symposium and the start of new collaborations!

Where and when?
Tuesday, July 2 2024, 9.00 – 17.00 hrs
Patio Deltares Delft
No costs, the symposium will be in English

For registration and full programme:

ir. D. Lugt adviseur Water en Klimaat