Flood Early Warning System Oti

The study Oti River Flood hazard assessment investigates the scale and severity of flood hazards, the exposures of various assets and communities and assess the effectiveness of structural and non-structural measures to reduce or eliminate flood damages in the future. Hydrological and meteorological data was collected at several institutes that are dealing with floods in Togo and Ghana. In addition, an extensive field survey was organised to collect bathymetry data for the river.

This data was used to prepare a transboundary hydrological, hydraulic and inundation model. The model was used to developed flood hazard and risk maps, and was also used in the Early Warning System for the Oti River.

Representatives from these institutes were trained in the different project steps as well. These multiple day training sessions were organized bi-monthly. In addition to transfer knowledge, an important objective of these session was to create a transboundary community of practice. Therefore, the training sessions were held at the same time and location for experts from Togo as well as Ghana.

During the flood season of 2017, a transboundary operational protocol was established, to allow flood forecasters in Lomé as well as Accra to prepare Early warnings, based on the early warning system.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

  • Collected and validate data
  • Guidance of the survey
  • Training of stakeholders in transboundary training sessions
  • Set up, calibrate, validate a Rainfall runoff and bi-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the Oti catchment
  • Assess effectiveness of measures
  • Develop a conceptual and functional design including system objective and institutional settings
  • Develop functional and technical specifications
  • Set up a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) and develop a protocol
  • Test the FEWS Oti during flood season of 2017