TMT on open satellite data and processing tools concluded in Hanoi

The final training week of the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) Tailor-Made Training (TMT) ‘Tailor-made capacity building on river morphology and flood risk using state-of-the-art open satellite data and processing tools’ took place at Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment (HUNRE) in Vietnam from 16-20 May, 2022. This was the follow up on the online training which took place between October and December 2021. About 20 participants from 8 organizations participated in the online training period. During the training the participants learned the basics on how to work with Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Remote Sensing datasets. GEE  is a powerful cloud-computing tool to access and process open source remote sensing data sets.

On the final training day, a symposium was organised at HUNRE by project partners HKV and TU Delft. After the opening words by Laurent Umans from the Dutch embassy, HKV project leader Nicole Jungermann and Prof. Pham Quy Nhan from HUNRE, participants shared knowledge on remote sensing and the experiences on the newly gained skills through a self-defined case tailored to their field of knowledge. The symposium ended with the certificate ceremony. Congratulations to all participants!


TMT on open satellite data and processing tools concluded in Hanoi