

Titel Jaargang Auteur(s)
Analyzing natural bed-level dynamics to mitigate the morphological impact of river interventions 2024 Denderen R.P. van, Paarlberg A.J. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Integrated flood risk management for Danube The impact of the reconnection of the canals in the Feteşti – Stelnica area 2023 Udo J., Curran A.N., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Effectiveness of UAV-based DTM and satellite-based DEMs for local-level flood modeling in Jamuna floodplain 2023 Hakvoort H.A.M. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Longshore sediment transport by large-scale lake circulations at low-energie non-tidal beaches afield and model study 2023 Vuik V, et al Bekijk Publicatie
Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting for Fresh Water Reservoir Management in the Netherlands 2023 Hurkmans R. et al Bekijk Publicatie
Morphological wave attenuation of the nature-based flood defense: A case study from Chongming Dongtan Shoal, China 2022 Vuik V. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Strength Recovery in a Large-Scale Backward Erosion Piping Experiment 2022 Pol J, et al Bekijk Publicatie
Numerical interpretation of regressive localized internal erosion in a real-scale levee physical model 2022 Carlo Callari, Johannes C. Pol
A pragmatic, performance-based approach to levee safety assessments 2022 Stephan Johannes Hendrikus Rikkert, Matthijs Kok, Kasper Lendering, Ruben Jongejan
Disentangling changes in the river bed profile: The morphological impact of river interventions in a managed river 2022 R. Pepijn van Denderen, Emiel Kater, Luc H. Jans, Ralph M.J. Schielen Bekijk Publicatie