

Titel Jaargang Auteur(s)
Can Linear Stability Analyses Predict the Development of Riverbed Waves With Lengths Much Larger Than the Water Depth? 2023 Barneveld H.J., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Flood Forecasting in local area with 2D Hydrodynamic model utilizing FFWC’s river forecast 2023 Hakvoort H., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Role of Albert Canal system in July 2021 flood: what can we learn from this? 2022 Peters B.N., Barneveld H., Brauer C., Weerts A. Bekijk Publicatie
Probabilistic DAM price forecasting using a combined Quantile Regression Deep Neural Network with less-crossing quantiles 2021 Heijden T. van der, Palensky P., Abraham E. Bekijk Publicatie
The impact and costs of building with nature projects 2021 Oerlemans C., Wegman C., Jonkman B., Aarninkhof S. Bekijk Publicatie
The impact and costs of building with nature projects 2021 Oerlemans C., Wegman C., Jonkman B., Aarninkhof S. Bekijk Publicatie
A future proof strategy for coping with a changing and uncertain world 2021 Lely A.C. van der, Eekelen E. van, Honingh D.F., Leenders J.K., McEvoy S., Penning E., Sterk M., Voskamp I., Warren A., Zelsta V. van Bekijk Publicatie
Effectiveness of flood retention basins under hydrologic uncertainty 2021 Pol J., Barneveld H.J., Schielen R., Rongen G.W.F., Stenfert J.G. Bekijk Publicatie
Root zone soil moisture estimation with Random Forest 2021 Carranza C., Nolet C., Pezij M., Ploeg M. van der Bekijk Publicatie
Effects of a river intervention on water levels in a bifurcating river system 2020 Gensen M.R.A., Warmink J.J., Huthoff F., Hulscher S.J.M.H. Bekijk Publicatie