

Titel Jaargang Auteur(s)
Experience From the 2021 Floods in the Netherlands 2023 Kolen B., Kok M., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
The 2021 floods in the Netherlands from a river engineering perspective 2023 Strijker B, Barneveld HJ, et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Integrated flood risk management for Danube The impact of the reconnection of the canals in the Feteşti – Stelnica area 2023 Udo J., Curran A.N., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Flood risk of highways in The Netherlands, measures, cost-benefit assessment and policy making 2023 Kolen B. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Floods have become less deadly: an analysis of global flood fatalities 1975-2022 2023 Curran A.N. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Effectiveness of UAV-based DTM and satellite-based DEMs for local-level flood modeling in Jamuna floodplain 2023 Hakvoort H.A.M. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
How do climate change pathway assumptions effect economic viability and prioritisation of flood projects? 2023 G. Pleijter et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Can Linear Stability Analyses Predict the Development of Riverbed Waves With Lengths Much Larger Than the Water Depth? 2023 Barneveld H.J., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
The effect of interactions between failure mechanisms on the reliability of flood defenses 2023 Pol J.C., Kindermann P.E., Kok M., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Can streamwise variation in floodplain geometry and peak flow rate explain river bed elevation change during and between peak flows? 2023 Denderen R.P. van, et al. Bekijk Publicatie