

Titel Jaargang Auteur(s)
Analyzing natural bed-level dynamics to mitigate the morphological impact of river interventions 2024 Denderen R.P. van, Paarlberg A.J. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Proposal for the development of the Bârzava river, in the district downstream the town of Bocșa, in view of the defense against flooding of river locations 2023 Daggenvoorde, R. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Can Linear Stability Analyses Predict the Development of Riverbed Waves With Lengths Much Larger Than the Water Depth? 2023 Barneveld H.J., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
The influence of sediment transport formulae on modelling river dune development 2023 Lokin L.R., et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Longshore sediment transport by large-scale lake circulations at low-energie non-tidal beaches afield and model study 2023 Vuik V, et al Bekijk Publicatie
Morphological wave attenuation of the nature-based flood defense: A case study from Chongming Dongtan Shoal, China 2022 Vuik V. et al. Bekijk Publicatie
Modelling River Dunes Under High and Low Flows 2022 Lieke Lokin, Jord Warmink, Anouk Bomers Bekijk Publicatie
Return Period of Low Water Periods in the River Rhine 2022 Saskia H. van Brenk, Lieke R. Lokin, Jord J. Warmink, Suzanne J. M. H. Hulscher Bekijk Publicatie
Disentangling changes in the river bed profile: The morphological impact of river interventions in a managed river 2022 R. Pepijn van Denderen, Emiel Kater, Luc H. Jans, Ralph M.J. Schielen Bekijk Publicatie
Day Ahead Market price scenario generation using a Combined Quantile Regression Deep Neural Network and a Non-parametric Bayesian Network 2022 Heijden T.J.T. van der, Palensky P., Giesen N. van de, Abraham E. Bekijk Publicatie